Birdsong Automotive
5601 130th St
Lubbock, TX


Birdsong Oil Change
5531 130th St
Lubbock, TX


Brake lights on various vehicles

At Birdsong Automotive in Lubbock, TX, we understand how important lighting is in regards the safety and presentation of your vehicle. Whether you have a broken housing, burned out bulbs, or a faulty connection, our expert mechanics are here to help.

deployed airbag in car

At Birdsong Automotive in Lubbock, TX, we believe it’s important for you to know how different systems in your car, truck, or SUV operate. Whether you want to know what to watch out for, or you’re just curious about how things work, we’re here to supply the answers.

driving car on highway

Nearly every day, you drive your vehicle. Whether it be a couple of miles to the store or a full-on road trip across the nation, you want to make sure that your vehicle is safe to drive and the systems are in check and/or up-to-date. Here are a few reminders to check and see if your vehicle is running in top shape.

diesel truck driving down road with fall foliage

Whether you drive a Chevy, Ram, or Ford diesel pickup, your truck is a quality engineered machine. At Birdsong Automotive in Lubbock, TX, we honor that quality - not only in our service, but in the parts, we provide as well.

valves on a vehicle

At Birdsong Automotive in Lubbock, TX, our main goal is to keep your car, truck, or SUV always performing at its best. Valve adjustments are an integral aspect of that goal.

view of your guages in the vehicle

At Birdsong Automotive in Lubbock, TX, we know how annoying a faulty fuel gauge can be. Never knowing how much gas you have in your car, truck, or SUV, and constantly running the risk of stranding yourself on the road somewhere, takes its toll after a while. Luckily, we can fix that.

man handing girl car keys

Buying a used vehicle can be a risky endeavor, but also a rewarding one. Buying used, even if the vehicle is close to new, will save you a lot of money compared to the price of a new vehicle off the lot. However, there are some inherent risks that come with purchasing a used vehicle; here is how to best avoid trouble.


Good gas mileage is something we all want. In fact, many drivers purchase certain cars solely for gas mileage, and almost all of us at least take it into consideration when purchasing a vehicle. While it is true that gas mileage is by and large determined simply by the type of car, there are actually a variety of things you can do to increase the gas mileage of any automobile. The tips Birdsong Automotive in Lubbock want to provide you here are simple and effective steps you can take to increase your gas mileage, often more considerably than you think.

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