Part of maintaining your vehicle is keeping its safety devices in good working order, especially when there are kids in the car. Seat belts, window locks, and airbag sensors work together to keep children safe in an automobile. Though safety components are generally very reliable, they do occasionally fail. Birdsong Automotive in Lubbock is here when they do; here are some things to watch out for.
You know how often to change your engine oil; but what about the gear oil in your standard shift transmission? Here’s a short guide, from Birdsong Automotive in Lubbock.
Manual transmissions are durable, reliable pieces of equipment. Still, sometimes problems arise. Birdsong Automotive in Lubbock has the answer to a question that plagues many manual transmissions; why does my transmission pop out of gear?
Something will go wrong with your car, truck, or SUV eventually. The important thing is knowing what to do, and how to deal with it. Just knowing what to do in a situation often means the difference between a quick repair and thousands of dollars worth of work. If you see steam coming from under the hood, it’s important to deal with it appropriately and quickly. Here’s what’s going on, and what to do, from Birdsong Automotive in Lubbock, TX.
The time to know if your brakes are going bad is NOT when you go to stop at that red light or on the parkway when someone suddenly swerves in front of you. It's not always "just" brake pads either, your brake master cylinder could be an issue. How do you recognize the signs that you have a real problem with your brake master cylinder and just what is it? Here atBirdsong Automotive in Lubbock, TX we not only have the answers, but we also put together a service schedule for you and keep an eye on issues based on your driving habits, vehicle type and your description of issues you are having. We treat your car, truck or SUV as if it were ours keeping you informed of issues we find so you can get them fixed "before" there are larger repair bills so you can keep your vehicle Newer - Longer! Below is everything you need to look for and tips on your brake master cylinder.
There are a lot of drivers on the road today with improperly adjusted rearview mirrors, contributing to unnecessary blind spots and potentially hazardous driving conditions. At Birdsong Automotive in Lubbock, we place a lot of value on efficiency; here’s how to get the most out of your mirrors.
At Birdsong Automotive in Lubbock, TX, we understand that there are endless ways a transmission can sound, behave, and feel, depending on what type of car it’s in, what type of transmission it is, and the state of the vehicle’s repair. Sometimes, when people buy a different car, they notice it doesn’t act the same as their last car, which leads them to believe there is a problem.
It can be very alarming to hear unusual sounds coming from your vehicle. If you are hearing any humming, whining, or even clunking noises emitting from under your vehicle, it is most likely a transmission issue. Luckily, these noises can help you pinpoint what issue you may be having with your transmission. Some of these issues are minor and can be easily taken care of, but some of them are much more major and may require special attention and service. Read on to see just what your transmission problem may be.
5601 130th St
Lubbock, TX 79424
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Weekdays: | 7:30am - 5:30pm | |
Weekends: | Closed |
5531 130th St
Lubbock, TX 79424
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Weekdays: | 8 :00am – 5:30pm | |
Saturday: | 8:00am - 3:00pm |