Birdsong Automotive
5601 130th St
Lubbock, TX


Birdsong Oil Change
5531 130th St
Lubbock, TX


mechanic sitting in vehicle working on a screen

At Birdsong Automotive in Lubbock, TX, we understand the importance of being on top of the latest in automotive technology. That’s why we invest heavily in top-notch diagnostic and programming equipment, and why we have technicians that know how to use it.

codes on a dashboard

Transmission trouble codes are particularly annoying to the average driver. You might know what a misfire is, but what does it mean when you get a code for a failed governor pressure solenoid? Fortunately, Birdsong Automotive in Lubbock, TX is here to help.


Don’t you hate it when potholes sneak up on you? There is a lot of money being spent on vehicle damage due to potholes. Do you know what parts of your car could receive the most damage? Birdsong Automotive is the leader in Lubbock, TX for the service and repair of automotive tires. We know the kind of damage that can be done, so if you suspect something is wrong with your car or truck, it’s always a good idea to stop by so we can take a quick look.


man working on a torque converter

If you drive a lightweight car, truck, or SUV, the torque converter you have installed is probably just fine. For those of you with more heavy-duty applications, like high horsepower setups or towing rigs, the stock converter may not be enough. At Birdsong Automotive in Lubbock, TX, we can help with that.

ABS light lit up on a dashboard

At Birdsong Automotive in Lubbock, TX, we’ve got every answer to your transmission questions and needs, and answers to a lot of things that fall outside of that realm as well. Today, we’re talking about the ABS light - an issue that plagues many modern drivers at some point or another.

Some of you may have experienced poor quality work done to your vehicle, which may have ended damaging your car worse or left you feeling uneasy. At Birdsong Automotive in Lubbock, TX, we understand the importance of high-quality service and repairs which is why we strive to be the best. Here are examples of why it makes a difference, no matter what type of car, truck, or SUV you drive.

At Birdsong Automotive in Lubbock, TX, we have seen our fair share of preventable engine failures. Frequently, engine disaster could have been avoided if the driver had known beforehand what the warning lights or gauges on the dashboard indicated. While some dash lights are fairly benign, others indicate imminent trouble. This guide from Birdsong Automotive in Lubbock, TX will prepare you for the next time your vehicle shows you a warning you shouldn’t ignore.

couple of technicians checking an engine

At Birdsong Automotive in Lubbock, TX, we understand the importance of doing things right. That’s why we are in the business of hiring ASE certified technicians. After all, your car, truck or SUV is only as good as the quality of service it receives.

  • Jasper Pref
  • ASE
  • Cooper
  • Federated Auto Parts
  • Motorcraft Parts