Birdsong Automotive
5601 130th St
Lubbock, TX


Birdsong Oil Change
5531 130th St
Lubbock, TX


Automotive Repair

  • Why do I Need a Heavy Duty Torque Converter?

    man working on a torque converter

    If you drive a lightweight car, truck, or SUV, the torque converter you have installed is probably just fine. For those of you with more heavy-duty applications, like high horsepower setups or towing rigs, the stock converter may not be enough. At Birdsong Automotive in Lubbock, TX, we can help with that.

  • Why Is My ABS Light On?

    ABS light lit up on a dashboard

    At Birdsong Automotive in Lubbock, TX, we’ve got every answer to your transmission questions and needs, and answers to a lot of things that fall outside of that realm as well. Today, we’re talking about the ABS light - an issue that plagues many modern drivers at some point or another.

  • Why is your engine squealing?


    If you drive a Jaguar, BMW, Land Rover, Porsche, Subaru, or other luxury or performance vehicle, the last thing you want to do is start your engine to be met with the sound of a screeching drive belt. Fortunately, we at Birdsong Automotive in Lubbock, TX have you covered.

  • Why You Need That Alignment


    Alignment is the position of your wheels in relation to your vehicle and how they interact with the road. When your vehicle is properly aligned, your wheels will point in the same direction as the vehicle. To maintain proper control of your car, you must keep your wheels in proper alignment. Otherwise, steering will become difficult, your tires will wear unevenly and your fuel economy will decrease. 

  • Your Guide to Tires - When to Replace and What to Replace Them With


    Your tires are obviously important. However, it’s often underappreciated how much of a difference they make in the ride quality of your car, truck, or SUV, and what they can tell you about the condition of your vehicle. At Birdsong Automotive in Lubbock, TX, we like to keep you well informed on what your vehicle is telling you, and how to keep it in good shape. Your tires have a lot to do with that.

  • Your Vehicle's Finger Print

    a car with lines and details over it like a computer screen

    Your Vehicle Identification Number, or VIN, is essentially your car’s fingerprint. In its entirety, it is specific only to your car. Each car has its own unique VIN number and can be decoded to provide manufacturing and identification information on any vehicle on the road. Date of manufacture, manufacturer, vehicle type, where it was made, and options such as engine and transmission type, whether a car is a two or four-door, and a multitude of other specifications can be gleaned from a VIN number. Essentially, a VIN number will tell you exactly what a car is and where it came from, without even having to see the car.

  • Jasper Pref
  • ASE
  • Cooper
  • Federated Auto Parts
  • Motorcraft Parts